RASCOM Acting Director-General joins Satellite Regulatory Experts at SATELLITE 2024

Date: 2024-02-23

The Acting Director-General of the Regional African Satellite Communication Organization (RASCOM), Timothy Ashong will be joining Satellite regulatory experts for panel discussion at this year’s SATELLITE Conference and Exhibition slated for March 18-21, 2024.

The event which is expected to take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center will feature a panel of experts who will discuss the ongoing spectrum war under the theme "Dispatches from World Radio Conference (WRC) - The Frontlines of the Spectrum War."

The discussion will examine the current challenges and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proceedings affecting stakeholders within the satellite industry.

The SATELLITE Conference and Exhibition has a rich history spanning 43 years and has played an important role in connecting and uniting the satellite industry. The conference encompasses a wide range of professionals from various commercial markets, including broadcasting, media & entertainment, government/military, aviation, maritime, automotive, financial, healthcare, and telecommunications.

Mr. Ashong's panel discussion aims to address pressing issues faced by commercial satellite companies and dissect the intricate dynamics of the spectrum war. As the Director-General of RASCOM, Ashong brings valuable insights and expertise to the table, having been at the forefront of satellite communication efforts in the African region.

The panelists will explore the implications of FCC proceedings on satellite industry stakeholders and examine potential solutions to mitigate challenges. They will also focus on how these spectrum-related issues impact commercial satellite companies and what measures these companies need to take to navigate the complex landscape effectively. Additionally, the panelists will explore potential new bandwidth-related issues that may arise in the future, as the industry continues to innovate and expand.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye



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