Vodacom Tanzania's digital accelerator startups embark on learning expedition to China

Date: 2024-06-15

Vodacom Tanzania Plc, in partnership with Huawei and MassChallenge, has sent seven startups from the Vodacom Digital Accelerator program on a learning and exchange trip to Shenzhen, China.

The startups, represented by their founders, will spend time at the Huawei HQ office park, participating in workshops, training sessions, and lectures by R&D experts, tech experts, and venture capitalists. They will also visit the headquarters of renowned tech companies, including DJI, Tencent, and ByteDance (TikTok), to witness innovation and the remarkable growth of these firms over the last decade.

This trip marks the final phase of the three-month acceleration program, which aims to support and empower local startups to drive digital transformation in Tanzania. The Vodacom Digital Accelerator program has provided startups with mentorship, training, and resources to help them scale and grow their businesses.

According to Vodacom Tanzania, this initiative is aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the country by providing opportunities for startups to learn from global leaders in the tech industry.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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