Mastercard convenes Tanzania Industry Forum to combat fraud and cyber threats

Date: 2024-08-26

Mastercard has held the Tanzania Industry Forum, bringing together over 100 participants from various sectors to address pressing concerns around market fraud, payment threats, and cyber threats. The event was led by Manu K., Head of Cyber & Intelligence Solutions, EEMEA, who shared valuable insights on protecting the payments network and advancing the digital payments ecosystem.

Presided over by Mark Elliott, President of Mastercard Africa, the forum saw attendance from industry leaders across financial institutions, fintech, telco sectors, government, associations, regulatory bodies, and the Mastercard East Africa team.

The event provided a platform for stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions and explore collaborative solutions to combat fraud and cyber threats. With the increasing adoption of digital payments, the need for robust security measures has never been more critical.

Mastercard's subject matter expert shared the latest trends and best practices in safeguarding the payments network, highlighting the company's commitment to advancing a secure and inclusive digital payments ecosystem.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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