Ethiopia’s Minister of Innovation and Technology reiterates government efforts in harnessing digital technologies

Date: 2024-09-09

The Minister of Innovation and Technology, Dr. Beleta Molla, has reiterated the government's commitment to harnessing the potential of digital technology to drive economic development and improve lives.

Speaking at a panel discussion at the Addis Ababa Science Museum, Dr. Molla mentioned the progress made since the launch of Digital Ethiopia 2025, a comprehensive initiative aimed at modernizing the country's digital landscape.

He noted that the reforms in the telecommunications sector have been a significant contributor to Ethiopia's economic growth. He also stressed the importance of digital marketing, citing the success of money transfers and communications platforms in achieving their objectives efficiently.

Dr. Molla also stated that the ongoing reforms are inclusive and have created a conducive environment for investment by updating legal frameworks, policies, guidelines, and regulations. He then highlighted the efforts to develop a capable workforce in the sector, particularly through the Five Million Ethiopia Coder Initiative, which offers training in four areas and has produced internationally recognized certificate holders.

The panel discussion, attended by senior leaders and invited guests from various ministries and the Civil Service Commission, underscored the government's commitment to creating a digitally empowered Ethiopia.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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