Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute hosts AI summer camp 2024 graduation ceremony

Date: 2024-09-10

The Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute (EAII) has hosted the graduation ceremony of the AI Summer Camp 2024, with the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. The ceremony marked a significant milestone in the country's efforts to foster a new generation of AI talent.

In his congratulatory address, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stressed the importance of nurturing globally competitive and nationally renowned youth in AI. He highlighted the responsibility to provide opportunities for the youth to realize and utilize their potential, commending the EAII's efforts in introducing them to AI technology.

The Director General of the EAII, Worku Gachena, advised the students to utilize their knowledge for innovative projects and uphold the innovative spirit and good conduct they exhibited during the summer camp. Certificates of recognition were awarded to institutions and stakeholders who contributed to the AI Summer Camp 2024.

By:  Robert Annor

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