Safaricom Ethiopia, JICA, and Gebeya Talent jointly Launch Software Development Training Program

Date: 2023-09-07

Safaricom Ethiopia, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Gebeya Talent have partnered to launch a six-month Software Development Training Program aimed at bridging the tech skills gap and tapping Ethiopia's untapped tech potential. 

In a statement, it noted that the program will train 50 graduates from all Universities in Ethiopia, who have already undergone computer science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) courses. 

According to the statement, from 30 September 2023 until 30 March 2024, the program offers a six-month intensive curriculum in which the trainees will receive specialized training in Mobile Application Engineering, Back-end Engineering, DevOps (Development Operations) Engineering, and Fundamentals of Software Engineering. 

“Candidates need to apply on by 15 September 2023. All eligible applicants will undergo an online exam and interview and get notified of successful application within 1 week. Tuition costs will be partially covered by JICA and upon completion of the training, trainees will receive a certificate and further support to get access to job placements,” it said. 

“This initiative is part of our purpose, ‘Transforming Ethiopian Lives for a Digital Future,’ aimed at supporting young talent within the framework of the governmental program ‘Digital Ethiopia 2025.’ Safaricom Ethiopia is a co-builder of the curriculum designed to meet industry requirements for businesses in the tech ecosystem. Together with JICA & Gebeya, we’re empowering the next generation of tech leaders and innovators”, says Masahiro Miyashita, Chief Strategy Officer of Safaricom Ethiopia. 

“JICA is committed to supporting Ethiopia to achieve its digital transformation and economic development goals. We are excited to launch a new digital talent program that will train young people for careers in engineering. This program will help to create a more skilled workforce and a more competitive economy, and it has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of Ethiopians”, says Morihara Katsuki, Chief Representative, the JICA Ethiopia Office. 

“This program perfectly aligns with Gebeya's mission of empowering individuals with the skills they need to excel in the tech industry. The primary goal of this collaboration is to accelerate Ethiopia's digital transformation, paving the way for an inclusive digital economy that supports sustainable development and bridges the skills gap in the market”, says Amadou Daffe, CEO of Gebeya. 

While initially selecting a small group of applicants for the pilot program, the program has ambitious plans to scale the initiative to train a much more significant number of graduates and expand it to regional cities after 2024.  

The six-month Software Development Training Program  is made possible with the Digital transformation initiative of JICA, Safaricom Ethiopia co-building the curriculum, and Gebeya Talent as the training institution partner, to nurture a long-term capacity for software engineers in Ethiopia, to collectively contribute significantly to Ethiopia's Digital Transformation growth and the advancement of Africa as a whole. 

By:  Kanto Okanta

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