Safaricom Ethiopia signs MOU with Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations to collaborate in the ICT Sector

Date: 2023-11-06

Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC and the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (AACCSA) have signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) to work together in improving the doing business environment in the technology and communications sub-sector; facilitate the exchange of information about tech-based companies, products and service, trade and investment; develop position papers and documents to engage public authorities with the aim of removing constraints affecting their respective business development.

The agreement opens the door for Safaricom Ethiopia to design a resource mobilization technical solution for the Chamber’s HQ building; develop and install a Safaricom-powered payment system for collection of members’ fees; host AACCSA’s official website; lead, support and manage AACCSA’s cloud-based services system; and collaborate, install, and implement mobile apps, SMS and call center technologies to Addis Chamber services. 

The AACCSA will support Safaricom Ethiopia’s objective of upgrading the technology-based communication infrastructure of the Association and its members.

“Addis Ababa is an economic capital of Ethiopia. As a representative of the business community in the city, we are glad to have signed this MoU with the association as a step to strategically work with them. We are honored to be given the opportunity to contribute to the digitization of businesses and transformation lives for a more connected future,” says Chris Lazarus, Chief Enterprise Business Officer, Safaricom Ethiopia.

“The agreement provides us with an opportunity to partner with a technology company in modernizing our services and those of our members’. Our Chamber strongly believes in the power of ICT to transform businesses and this agreement is yet another effort to push for the modernization and digitization of businesses in Addis Ababa,” said Shibeshi Bettemariam, Secretary General of AACCSA.

The MoU also creates a platform for both parties to design and organize joint Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that will enable further betterment of the lives of the community at large.

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