Ghana takes leading role in shaping the future of the internet at ICANN 80

Date: 2024-06-11

The Ghana Domain Name Registry (GDNR) is representing Ghana at the ICANN 80 conference in Kigali, Rwanda. Led by Dr. Nana Yaa Owusu-Prempeh, Board Chair of GDNR, the delegation is actively engaged in discussions and shaping the future of the internet.

The GDNR team, comprising Nana Kofi Asafu-Aidoo, Executive Director, Mr. Ayittey Bulley, Board Member, and Benedict Obirim Sagoe, Technical Staff, is leveraging this opportunity to contribute to global internet governance and advocate for policies that benefit Ghana's digital ecosystem.

ICANN 80 provides a platform for global stakeholders to come together and discuss critical internet-related issues. Ghana's participation in this conference demonstrates the country's commitment to playing a significant role in shaping the future of the internet.

Dr. Owusu-Prempeh emphasized the importance of Ghana's involvement, stating, "Our participation in ICANN 80 is a testament to our dedication to promoting a safe, secure, and inclusive internet for all Ghanaians. We are committed to advocating for policies that support our nation's digital growth and development."

The GDNR delegation is engaged in various discussions, including domain name management, internet security, and digital inclusion. Their contributions will help shape the future of the internet, ensuring that it remains a valuable resource for generations to come.

Ghana's active participation in ICANN 80 demonstrates the country's commitment to being a key player in global internet governance. The GDNR delegation's efforts will help create a brighter digital future for Ghana and contribute to the global development of the internet.          

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye       

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