AI stakeholder roundtable held in Accra

Date: 2024-07-19

The Deputy Minister for Communication and Digitalization, Charles Acheampong, representing the sector Minister, Ursula Owusu-Erkuful has participated in a roundtable discussion on artificial intelligence (AI).

Held in Accra and organized by the African Leadership University and Sand Technologies, with support from Google, as part of a two-year research project the event aimed to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing, ultimately informing policy and practice recommendations to ensure the responsible and beneficial development of AI in Africa.

The research project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the emerging use cases of AI in critical sectors across Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on education, agriculture, health, and SME enablement. The project will explore three key areas within each sector: the possibilities that can be unlocked by AI, the barriers and challenges to successful deployment, and practical policy and practice recommendations to realize the potential benefits of AI.

In attendance were the Chief Executive Director of the Data Protection Commission, Ms. Patricia Adusei-Poku, staff of the Ministry of Communication and Digitalization (MoCD), and representatives from academia, research institutions, the private sector, and civil society.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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