Samsung CEO offers unqualified apology to Galaxy S22 series users

Date: 2022-03-17

Samsung Device Experience (DX) Chief Executive Officer, JH Han has rendered an unqualified apology to Galaxy S22 series users following an aggressive app throttling issue.

Speaking during the Samsung Electronics 54th Annual Shareholders Meeting, Mr., Han conceded that they ‘failed to understand customers’ concern over the app and gaming performance’ and gave the assurance that efforts are been made to remedy the situation by rolling out a software patch to the Galaxy S22 series smartphones.

Reports monitored by Techreview Africa reveal that the performance issue was caused by the Game Optimization Service’s (GOS) aggressive throttling performance in apps to maintain optimal device temperature.

But according to CEO Han, the GOS was designed to optimize phone performance considering the diverse characteristics of gamers.

“The device’s consistent performance is crucial when enjoying the high-end game, so we limited the performance of CPU and GPU to the appropriate levels to minimize overheating while maintaining consistency,” he explained.

Samsung’s apology comes as a result of Galaxy S22 users taking to the various social media platforms to express their frustration with the GOS app which limits the performance of devices when it detects a gaming app is in operation.

By: Kanto Okanta


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