MTN Cameroon and Huawei partner to drive digital economy strategy

Date: 2024-07-31

MTN Cameroon and Huawei Cameroon collaborated to host a training session on "AI & Big Data for National Digital Economy Strategy" as part of the Women-in-Tech program. Over 40 women from various departments within both companies gathered in Douala to acquire knowledge and experience in cutting-edge technologies.

The training covered complex concepts in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, 5G networks, and the Metaverse, preparing the participants for the disruptive impact of AI technology on a global scale. The session was graced by the presence of esteemed leaders, including Franck Gérard KOM, General Manager Enterprise Business, Evelyn Shey Mabaa Ngala, President of the Women Development Programme, and Aline Jounewe Flore Jounewe, Senior Manager Core Network Planning.

This inaugural training session aligns with the Memorandum of Understanding signed between MTN Cameroon and Huawei on March 18, 2024, aimed at equipping women with cutting-edge technological skills. The partnership demonstrates the commitment of both companies to empowering women in tech and driving the national digital economy strategy.

The participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow, and the trainers were praised for making the content accessible to all. MTN Cameroon extends its sincere thanks to Huawei for their support in facilitating this training and to trainer Kassou Zouhair for his expertise.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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