Data vital in informing policy formulation and service delivery - PS Njogu

Date: 2024-08-02

Principal Secretary for Diaspora Affairs, Roseline Kathure Njogu, has stressed the importance of data in shaping service delivery and policy formulation by the government. Speaking at an IDinsight event in Nairobi, PS Njogu noted the significance of accurate data sets and analysis in determining when, where, and how services are delivered and on what platform.

With Kenyans spread across the globe, PS Njogu further reiterated the need to capture their needs and tailor solutions to address their queries after thorough analysis and understanding. She also acknowledged the immense opportunities in the digital space while underscoring the ethical considerations of data privacy and ownership.

The event, focused on government, data, policy, and service delivery, brought together experts from various fields, including the CEO of IDinsight, Rebecca Gong Sharp and representatives from the National Treasury, Women Enterprises Fund, and the Ministry of Health.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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