Nigeria unveils national artificial intelligence strategy report

Date: 2024-08-02

Nigeria has become one of the pioneering African countries to announce its Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategic framework. The National Artificial Intelligence Strategy Report, drafted by a team of Nigerian AI experts and enthusiasts from around the world, was released today by the Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Dr. 'Bosun Tijani.

In his address on LinkedIn, Dr. Tijani stated: "Last April we brought together Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts of Nigerian descent to support us in developing a document that will serve as a roadmap towards achieving our aspiration to participate actively in leveraging the ethical use of AI for national development. I'm therefore pleased to release the draft document — which has been carefully reviewed by all participants from the workshop — to the public to receive your input and further dissect its content."

The report outlines a comprehensive framework for the adoption and implementation of AI in Nigeria, with a focus on ethical and responsible use. This milestone marks a significant step towards harnessing the potential of AI to drive economic growth, improve governance, and enhance the lives of Nigerians.

The strategy document is the result of collaborative efforts between public and private sector stakeholders, aiming to ensure AI readiness and adoption in various sectors. The report's vision and mission statement emphasize the importance of ethical and responsible AI use, paving the way for a future where AI benefits all Nigerians.

Dr. Tijani emphasized that the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (NAIS) will help Nigeria to responsibly steer the AI revolution towards achieving its goals around job creation, social inclusion, and sustainable development. The minister invited the public to provide input and further dissect the content of the document, demonstrating the government's commitment to transparency and collaboration in shaping the country's AI future.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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