MTN South Africa launches "Connecting Every Child" programme to bridge digital divide

Date: 2024-08-07

MTN South Africa, in partnership with the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Communications & Digital Technologies, has launched the "Connecting Every Child" programme. This initiative aims to donate 30,000 devices to learners in rural and remote areas across South Africa by the end of 2024.

MTN has already contributed 2,000 devices to the programme, and CEO Charles Molapisi is urging fellow business leaders to join this vital mission. The goal is to bridge the digital divide and empower learners with access to digital tools, promoting education and digital empowerment for all.

Molapisi emphasized the significance of collaboration in making a meaningful impact, stating, "Together, we can bridge the digital divide. Your support and generosity have the power to transform lives. Be part of a legacy that champions education and digital empowerment for all."

By working together with government departments, business leaders, and stakeholders, MTN aims to create a lasting legacy that promotes education, digital empowerment, and equal opportunities for all.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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