Data Commissioner commends IX Data Center's AI-Ready infrastructure

Date: 2024-08-07

The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) paid a courtesy call to IX Data Center, where Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait, praised the company's efforts in establishing an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-ready data center. However, she also stressed the importance of incorporating data protection compliance measures into their operations.

Commissioner Kassait acknowledged the significance of AI in today's digital landscape but stressed that its development and deployment must be accompanied by robust data protection safeguards. She encouraged IX Data Center to prioritize data protection compliance, ensuring that their infrastructure and services meet the highest standards of data privacy and security.

During the visit, Commissioner Kassait also commended IX Data Center and Moringa School for their collaborative initiative to train Data Protection Officers (DPOs) in data protection.

This partnership is particularly timely, given the rapidly evolving ICT and privacy landscape. The training program aims to equip DPOs with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of data protection and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye



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