Ivorian telecom regulatory chief hails young female innovator

Date: 2024-08-10

Namahoua Touré, Director General of the Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications de Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI), has praised Dr. Mihia Kassi, a 26-year-old Ivorian woman who has made groundbreaking strides in the telecommunications industry. Dr. Kassi, a recipient of the 2024 National Award of Excellence for the best women's digital initiative, has developed the world's first virtual baseband unit (vBBU Pool), a pioneering project that sets new standards in the field.

Touré expressed admiration for Dr. Kassi's achievements, citing her as an inspiration for young Ivorians and a model of perseverance, innovation, and female leadership. He also commended the professors at ESATIC, Dr. Kassi's alma mater, for their dedication to teaching and nurturing talent.

Touré encouraged young people, particularly girls, to explore the telecommunications and ICT sector, emphasizing the need for diversity and innovation in the field. He urged them to seize opportunities, learn, and engage in areas where they can make a difference, stressing that technology needs their valuable ideas and perspectives.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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