African Telecommunications Union meets to shape future of ICT standards

Date: 2024-08-12

The 3rd and final African Telecommunications Union (ATU) preparatory meeting for the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA-24) is underway in Sandton, Gauteng, from August 12-16. This crucial gathering brings together experts to consolidate sub-regional perspectives on key issues prioritized by the African region.

The ATU meeting provides a platform for regional consensus-building and developing common proposals. ICASA Chairperson, Mothibi Ramusi emphasized the importance of technological alignment and innovation, stressing that Africa must actively participate in shaping the future of ICT standards.

The meeting was attended by the Minister and Deputy Minister of the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT), highlighting the significance of this event in shaping Africa's ICT landscape.

By actively engaging in the WTSA-24 process, Africa can ensure its voice is heard and interests are represented in global ICT standardization efforts. This meeting marks a critical step towards a unified African position on key ICT issues.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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