Data Commissioner calls for ethical AI adoption and data protection compliance

Date: 2024-08-15

Kenya’s Data Commissioner, Immaculate Kassait has reiterated the need for ethical considerations and adherence to data protection principles when utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, which are increasingly being adopted. Speaking at the Law Society of Kenya's Annual Conference, she highlighted the privacy challenges associated with AI, including excessive personal data collection, lack of informed consent, and unauthorized data use.

Madam Kassait stressed the importance of assessing the connection between data processing and AI, ensuring compliance with data subjects' rights, implementing technical and organizational safeguards, and conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) when necessary.

Earlier, Deputy Data Commissioner Rose Mosero encouraged legal practitioners to lead their clients in embedding data protection into their governance structures, emphasizing their role as protectors of clients' interests and upholders of Data Protection best practices.

She also urged practitioners to understand their obligations and those of the organizations they serve, as required by the Data Protection Act.

The conference highlighted the critical need for responsible AI adoption and robust data protection measures to safeguard individuals' rights and privacy in the face of emerging technologies.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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