M-PESA Africa launches women in fintech forum to empower women

Date: 2024-08-16

M-PESA Africa has launched the Women in Fintech (WIFT) forum, a community aimed at creating a supportive space for women to thrive in the Fintech industry. The launch event, held under the theme "The Thriving Woman," brought together female employees from Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa.

Renowned leadership coach Jennifer Karina delivered a keynote address, sharing insights on navigating the different seasons of a professional woman's career. She noted the importance of mentorship and coaching, stating that true progress is a collective journey.

The WIFT forum is built around six key areas, including professional development, gender sensitization, financial wellbeing, physical wellbeing, mental health, and community engagement. Each member is encouraged to participate in at least one of these areas.

The launch also unveiled expanded employee benefits and support initiatives under the CARE framework, aimed at reducing biases, stigma, and health impacts related to menstrual and menopause discomfort, caregiving responsibilities, and miscarriage or stillbirth. Additionally, steps have been taken to close the gender pay gap and ensure pay transparency.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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