Safaricom Ethiopia hosts Vodacom Group CEO

Date: 2024-08-19

Safaricom Ethiopia has hosted Shameel Joosub, CEO of Vodacom Group, at their headquarters. During his visit, Joosub met with high-ranking Ethiopian government officials, including Balcha Reba, Director General of the Ethiopian Communications Authority, to discuss key issues affecting the telecom sector.

He also held productive talks with Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance, regarding recent macro-economic reforms in Ethiopia. Additionally, he conducted a business review session with Safaricom Ethiopia's leadership team and addressed the company's staff at a townhall meeting, sharing his insights and messages.

The visit presented an opportunity for Safaricom Ethiopia to strengthen its relationships with government officials and discuss ways to drive growth and innovation in the telecom sector. Safaricom Ethiopia's CEO, Wim Vanhelleputte, who accompanied Mr. Joosub during his visit, highlighting the company's commitment to collaboration and excellence.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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