Embrace a global digital mindset - Philip Thigo

Date: 2024-08-21

The Executive Director for Africa at Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University, Ambassador Philip Thigo has reiterated the critical importance of adopting a global, agile, and growth-oriented digital mindset to harness the true potential of technology.

Speaking at the opening plenary and high-level panel of Innovate Nairobi Tech Week  Mr. Thigo noted that innovation is not just about generating new ideas, but about implementing those ideas to add value, solve problems, and drive progress through a collaborative approach. He highlighted five key themes essential for building a digital future: access, excellence, productivity, inclusivity, and collaboration.

“These pillars are essential as we build a digital future where everyone has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from technological advancements,” he said.

The Ambassador commended Governor Sakaja Johnson and Deputy Governor H.E. Njoroge Muchiri for their dedication to nurturing a vibrant digital economy and startup ecosystem in Nairobi City County.

He expressed excitement about the prospect of the Partnership for Economic Innovation and collaborating with the County on the ActionLab, a space dedicated to creativity, challenges, learning, and the free exchange of ideas.

“I am excited about the prospect of the Partnership for Economic Innovation and collaborating with the County on the ActionLab—a space dedicated to creativity, challenges, learning, and the free exchange of ideas. Such environments, as we say at Arizona State University and Thunderbird School of Global Management are vital for empowering individuals to realize their full potential, fostering innovation that can lead to job creation and economic growth.”

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye


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