Smart Africa CEO calls for unified digital African market

Date: 2024-08-23

The Chief Executive Officer of Smart Africa, Lacina Koné has called for a unified digital African market, harnessing technology to boost socio-economic development and bridge the digital divide.

Addressing the recent Shaping Africa's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Future Summit, held at the Africa Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Smart Africa CEO said this innovative concept aims to harness technology to erase geographical boundaries, ultimately enhancing the socio-economic well-being of African citizens.

Mr. Koné highlighted several key initiatives driving this vision, including the Pan-African AI blueprint, which advocates for an open, inclusive, and sustainable AI approach aligned with global standards. Additionally, he mentioned the Smart Continental backbone, a Pan-African fiber optic network, and the Smart Africa Trust Alliance, all crucial components of Smart Africa's unified digital policy.

The Smart Africa initiative seeks to create a continent-wide digital ecosystem, fostering economic growth, innovation, and global competitiveness. By promoting a unified digital policy, Smart Africa aims to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all African citizens can benefit from the opportunities presented by technology.

By:  Robert Annor

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