Algeria launches ASEP program to boost startups globally

Date: 2024-08-23

Algeria has officially launched the Algerian Startup Learning Expedition Program (ASEP), an initiative under the patronage of the Presidency of the Republic. ASEP aims to catapult Algerian startups onto the global stage by connecting them with the world's most dynamic innovation networks.

The program's inaugural phase has already seen two delegations of 30 startups each embark on expeditions to China and South Korea, two of the world's most advanced technological ecosystems. Over 15 days, these startups will make 18 strategic stops, engage in 55 hours of intensive courses, and interact with innovation leaders to explore strategic partnerships with local and global companies.

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups, and Micro-Enterprises, and executed by Algeria Venture, ASEP is designed to equip Algerian startups with the expertise, resources, and opportunities necessary to thrive globally.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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