MTN Foundation launches Back-to-School initiative in Bertoua

Date: 2024-08-31

Cameroon's MTN Foundation's Back-to-School initiative kicked off in Bertoua on August 29, marking an incredible day for students in the East Region. The Foundation provided essential school supplies to support the education of young minds, with a focus on orphans, physically challenged children, and the pygmies community.

The initiative saw the distribution of didactic materials, pens, pencils, reams of papers, and exercise books to students in need. MTN Foundation expressed gratitude to the authorities who joined them, including the Representative of the Governor of the East Region, Subdivisional and Divisional Officers, Bertoua II City Council, and the Delegate for Social Affairs in the East Region.

MTN Foundation aims not only to support education and empower young people in Cameroon by providing essential school supplies but also to bridge the gap and create opportunities for disadvantaged students to succeed.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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