KSA partners EUD, TAF to host Earth Observation (EO) training workshop

Date: 2024-09-04

Kenya Space Agency (KSA) in collaboration with the European Delegation in Kenya (EUD) and the European Commission's Technical Assistance Facility Team (TAF) has hosted a training workshop at Pride Inn Azure, Nairobi. The event aimed to assess Earth Observation (EO) needs and gaps in Kenya, paving the way for enhanced private sector involvement.

The workshop brought together representatives from the EUD, led by Stephan Fox, and the KSA, led by Charles Mwangi, alongside stakeholders from government and private organizations in Kenya. Moderated by Peter Zeil and David Kirugara of Novaspace, the discussions centered on both the demand and supply of EO capabilities, identifying challenges and gaps in the sector.

The objective of the workshop was to understand the barriers to private sector involvement in EO, fostering engagement and uptake to drive technological advancement and economic growth.

By assessing EO needs and gaps at the institutional level, the workshop aimed to provide recommendations for enhancing private sector uptake of EO in Kenya.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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