Moroccan team receives bronze medal at international olympiad in informatics 2024

Date: 2024-09-11

The Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, Ghita Mezzour has hosted the Moroccan team that participated in the International Olympiad in Informatics 2024 in Cairo.  The team, consisting of young Moroccan talents, won the bronze medal in the competition, which saw 390 competitors from 96 countries.

Minister Ghita Mezzour welcomed the team members, their parents, and supervisors at the Ministry's headquarters. She noted the Ministry's support for the team's participation, citing the need to encourage and keep pace with Morocco's abundant talents and competencies in information technology. This she said is aligned with King Mohammed VI's vision to promote digitalization among all segments of society and engage in the global digital transformation.

The reception celebrated the team's achievement and reinforced the Ministry's commitment to fostering Morocco's digital talents. By supporting young Moroccans in international technological events, the Ministry aims to contribute to the country's digital growth and development.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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