Flutterwave refutes claims of system hacked

Date: 2023-03-06

Leading pan-African fintech firm, Flutterwave has released an official statement refuting claims of having its systems hacked hence comprising customer's personal and financial information

"We want to reassure you that Flutterwave has not been hacked. As a financial institution, we monitor transactions through our transaction monitoring systems and 24-hours fraud desk and review any suspicious activity."

Flutterwave, in a recent statement issued on Monday, explained that during a routine check of its transaction monitoring system, an unusual trend of the transaction on some users' profiles was identified, and following a thorough investigation it was revealed that some users who had not activated their security settings have been susceptible.

“We want to confirm that no user lost any funds, and we take pride in the fact our security measures were able to address the issue before any harm could be done to our users,” the statement insisted.

The Nigerian-based firm further reiterated its commitment to keeping users' financial information safe and secure.

“Our commitment to keeping our users' financial information safe and secure is why we invest heavily in security initiatives such as periodic audits, certifications, and licenses such as the PCI-DSS&ISO 27001. These are in line with global best practices in information security management,” it stressed.


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