ITU signs Joint Declaration of Cooperation with La Francophonie to drive digital transformation

Date: 2023-04-04

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the La Francophonie, have signed a Joint Declaration of Cooperation in Paris with a view to strengthening partnerships between these two organizations.

The strengthening of this cooperation according to a statement, aims to meet the needs of French-speaking countries in terms of digital technology and it in line in particular with the decisions of the 18th Summit of La Francophonie held in Djerba, Tunisia and the Strategic Plan for ITU 2024-2027 adopted at the Plenipotentiary Conference, held in Bucharest, Romania both held in last year.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, the Secretary General of the La Francophonie, Louise Mushikiwabo emphasized that the renewed cooperation around areas of common interest with current challenges corresponds to the expectations of our populations.

“These are concrete and measurable actions. This joint commitment between the OIF and the ITU aims to give new impetus to our cooperation in favor of the economic and social development of the Member States of La Francophonie, in particular the developing countries and the least developed,” she stated.

In her official remarks, the Secretary General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Doreen Bogdan-Martin underlined that the Declaration of joint cooperation between the ITU and the OIF comes at a time when digital technology is taking an increasingly important place on the international scene, that it is a a tool that should help accelerate connectivity and sustainable digital transformation within and beyond the French-speaking world.

The actions envisage through this Declaration aims to contribute to connectivity for all and a sustainable digital transformation. The areas of collaboration taken into account relate to advocacy in afvor of digital isolation and respect for multilingualism within the framework of interntional consultations and work in this area. They also relate to the acceleration of digital transformation in the French-speaking world, the promotion of French –speaking expertise, as wellas the appropriation of digital issues, in particular by young people and women.

It also involves supporting capacity building and the exchange of good practices, as well as the development of joint projects in favor of French-speaking populations and schools and universities.

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