MTN Foundation provides potable water to the population of Mazare, in the Far North Region

Date: 2023-05-17

MTN Foundation, the first corporate foundation in Cameroon, has handover a potable water access point to the population of Mazare, Moutourwa council in the Far North Region.

The official handover ceremony was presided over by the Senior Divisional Officer of the Mayo-Kani Division, Mr. Koumi Abdoulaziz Njoya in the presence of municipal, traditional, and religious authorities as well as representatives of MTN Cameroon.

The borehole provided to the Mazare community is a potable water access point made of an immersed pump, supplied with solar energy thanks to photovoltaic panels placed above the water tower tank.

This potable water point will relieve the population of a region where access to drinking water is difficult. The water made available by this donation from MTN Foundation will also enable families to fight against insalubrity and waterborne diseases. The borehole will also end the very long distances, which the over 700 inhabitants of Mazare had to cover in search of the precious liquid.

This humanitarian aid is within the context of support for the development of our communities, real national priority, that seeks to ease access to potable water in the Far North region, which statistically is the area with the most acute problems of access to water, and that was reported during the last cholera epidemic to be one of the regions most affected by the disease.

Facilitating access to drinking water is more than a priority, and key intervention domain by MTN Foundation for the hospitable population of the Far North. Another intervention priority is the development of a robust and impacting digital ecosystem to ease the empowerment of young people and women as well as access by a greater majority to inclusive and quality education.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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