Twitter launches #SaferInternetDay tips to celebrate Safer Internet Day (SID)

Date: 2022-02-09

Accra, Ghana - Twitter has launched an emoji activated by tweeting #SafeInternetDay to encourage people to join the conversation on Internet safety to mark this year’s Safer Internet Day (SID).


According to a statement issued by the Head of Africa Communications at Twitter, Lambert Akwa the Safe Internet Day (SID) is a global initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people.


Observed this year with the theme "Together for a better internet”, Twitter according to the statement for the first time in sub-Saharan Africa, has pulled together a guide to Twitter’s safety tools to enable users not only to feel safer when participating in the conversation but also manage their own digital footprint and control their experience on the platform.


Highlighting some of the additional safety tools features that can be deployed by users to protect themselves, the statement mentioned a feature like blocking which restricts specific accounts from contacting you, seeing your Tweets, and following”. 

Muting, Remove Followers, Sensitive Media were among some of the safety tools been promoted by Twitter this year as part of the Safety Internet Day celebrations.

Assisting users on how to control their conversations and DMs, Twitter encourages the use of features including Hide Replies which provides users options as to who get visibility in a conversation, Conversation Control and My DMs that also allow you to filter out unwanted messages and limit messages from people you don’t follow.


On how to manage users digital footprint and keep them and their data safe, Twitter wants users to make good use of safety tools such as 2FA which permits users to add an extra layer of security for their account that allows them to add a further security check in addition to their password; Protecting your Tweets and Discoverability to keep their digital footprint and data safe.

By: Kanto Okanto

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