Ethiopian tech developers demand improved internet service from Ethio Telecom

Date: 2023-08-15

Ethiopian tech developers have issued an open letter to Ethio Telecom, demanding that the network operator makes urgent improvements to the quality of their internet service.

The developers, who work remotely across Ethiopia, rely on the internet to connect with clients, colleagues and resources, and have reported issues with sluggish speeds, frequent outages and disruption to their workflow.

“We, the undersigned developers, are writing to express our concerns about the poor internet service that we have been experiencing. We are working remotely from different parts of Ethiopia, and we rely on your internet service to connect with our clients, colleagues, and other resources. However, the poor quality of your service is making it difficult for us to do our jobs,” it said.

The developers claim that these problems are impacting their ability to work effectively and efficiently, putting them at a competitive disadvantage and deterring foreign investment in Ethiopia's tech sector.

“These problems are impacting our ability to work effectively and efficiently. We are concerned that the poor quality of your internet service is putting us at a competitive disadvantage. We are also concerned that it is deterring foreign investment in Ethiopia's tech sector,” it stated.

Among some of the most glaring concerns shared by the developers include the consistent experience of sluggish internet speed, which according to them hinders their ability to efficiently download files, stream videos, and actively participated in online meetings, hampering their ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively.

The developers also found themselves grappling with frequent and unexpected internet outages, a situation they claim disrupts their workflow potentially leading to data loss, missed opportunities, and a diminished professional reputation.

While acknowledging the challenges of providing internet service across Ethiopia, the developers have called on Ethio Telecom to take action to improve the quality of their service.

“We understand that you are a large company with a large customer base. We also understand that providing internet service across a large country like Ethiopia is challenging. However, we believe that you can do more to improve the quality of your service,” it added.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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