Vodacom champions sustainable development through UN Global Compact Innovation Accelerator programme

Date: 2024-09-04

Vodacom has hosted the finals of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) SDG Innovation Accelerator Programme for Young Professionals at Vodacom World, marking the culmination of a 9-month initiative. The programme aimed to empower young innovators to develop solutions aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The event kicked off with inspiring remarks from Dr. Achieng Ojwang, Executive Director of Global Compact Network South Africa, and Mabohlale Addae, Vodacom Group Managing Executive: Strategy. Young professionals from leading South African companies presented their innovative solutions in a 'dragon's den' format, showcasing their commitment to driving sustainable impact.

Aligned with its goal of contributing positively to the UN SDGs through its strategy and responsible business practices, the Vodacom programme focused on delivering positive impacts such as digital and financial inclusion, education delivery, gender equality, and empowering small and medium enterprises, while managing and decreasing negative impacts like GHG emissions and waste reduction.

Two Vodacom teams participated in the finals, with one focusing on SMMEs and the other on e-waste.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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