Safaricom CEO hosts National Bank of Ethiopia, Safaricom Telecom Ethiopia delegation

Date: 2022-03-29

Chief Executive Officer of Safaricom PLC, Peter Ndegwa has hosted a delegation made up of senior executives from the National Bank of Ethiopia and Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia PLC who are on a working visit to Safaricom PLC, Kenya.

The visit was to gain insight into Safaricom PLC’s mobile money operations and regulations.

Mr. Ndegwa who announced the visit on his Linkedin social media platform noted that the success of M-PESA is founded on the mutual vision of providing a service that is centered on the customer and providing a solution that transforms the lives of the customer.

According to him, the regulator’s role is essential to protect the consumer by regulating the industry and enabling innovation in the sector.

“M-PESA has been a vital tool in enabling financial inclusion and has also contributed to job creation across various economic sectors both directly and indirectly” he stated.

During this visit the team got to experience M-PESA firsthand through experiential demos showcasing the super app and APIs, interacting with some SMEs, and witnessing the impact of cashless payments and how M-PESA has evolved over the last 15 years.

Safaricom was awarded a telecommunications license to operate in Ethiopia, one of the world’s last major closed telecoms markets after winning a bid of $ 850 million.

The move provided Safaricom the opportunity to roll out its mobile money services, M-PESA to transform the Ethiopian economy. 

By: Kanto Okanta

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