Tony Elumelu meets up with singer, and tech investor Will I Am

Date: 2022-05-05

Founder of Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF), Tony O. Elumelu has held a meeting with American singer, tech investor, entrepreneur, Will I Am, and other creative entrepreneurs in Los Angeles to discuss strategic ways of bridging the gap between Africa and the diaspora.

Mr. Elumelo who was full of praise for Will I Am described him as well a renowned figure not only in music but also in tech and AI.

“We spoke frankly and with passion – Will I Am touched me, with both his success – not just in music, but tech and AI- and his ability to tell as it is – incisive, elegant, and to the point, he said.

The TEF founder who doubles as the Chairman for Heirs Holdings is on a TOE America Tour aimed at sparking conversations that reimagine the nature of collaboration between Africa and other countries while exploring particularly the greater partnership potential between Africans in the diaspora and in Africa.

“To me, it is very clear - the needs of youth in Africa and the diaspora are very similar - good education, employment, access to reliable and stable infrastructure, role models, and just and inclusive society, he added.

He further explained that youth unemployment, the deprivation of opportunity, in any part of the world, Africa or elsewhere, is a challenge to everyone everywhere, and reiterated to global leaders, private and public sector leaders, and key opinion formers that the world needs people pooling resources together to help humanity.
“My message is simple: in the 21st century, we need to reimagine the way we give support, especially to Africa. Move away from aid, focus on economic empowerment, job creation, infrastructure development, and economic opportunities, and create an inclusive and enabling society for all who have the energy and capacity to transform our world,” he stressed.

By: Kanto Okanta

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