MTN Group appoints new CEOs, and creates new senior Group post

Date: 2022-07-01

MTN Group has appointed new CEOs for its operations in Cameroon, Rwanda, and Uganda effective 1 September 2022.

The new appointments according to the group in a statement released on Thursday, are to support the accelerated execution of its Ambition 2025 strategy.

Commenting on the new appointments, the MTN Group CEO and President, Ralph Mupita said “ The appointments of these executives, all with strong track records of execution and results, adds to our confidence in the delivery of our Ambition 2025 strategy”.

MTN Group’s latest executive move will witness the Chief Executive Officer of MTN Rwanda, Mitwa Ng’ambi taking charge of the operation in MTN Cameroon replacing former CEO Stephen Blewett, who is leaving the Group.

Mitwa during her stunt at MTN Rwanda as CEO was instrumental not only in seeing the listing of MTN Rwanda as well as the establishment of its fintech subsidiary but strengthening the business’s stakeholder engagement.

Mapula Bodibe who served as MTN South Africa’s Chief Consumer Officer now takes over as the new Chief Executive Officer of MTN Rwanda. She brings with her more than 15 years of experience with MTN, including in Uganda.

Joining the MTN Group family from Kenya’s telecom giant, Safaricom, Sylvia Mulinge, who’s served as the Chief Consumer Business Officer now assumes the role of Chief Executive Officer of MTN Uganda.

A seasoned executive, Sylvia brings with her a passion for transforming customer's lives using technology.

She replaces Wim Vanhelleputte who takes on the new MTN Group role as Operations Executive in charge of Markets. Vanhelleputte is a former MTN Ivory Coast CEO and has extensive operational experience across Africa.

“My thanks to Stephen for his valuable contribution to the MTN Group over the years and wish him well as he journeys to new opportunities outside of the Africa Continent. I welcome Sylvia to the Y’ello family and look forward to working with her, as well as with Mitwa, Mapula, and Wim in their new roles, as we continue to execute on our ambition 2025 Strategy,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Group has further announced the creation of a new senior MTN Group post for Operations Executive for Liberia, Guinea-Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, and Congo-Brazzaville effective 1 August 2022, reporting to the Senior Vice President: Markets, Ebenezer Asante-Twum.

By: Kanto Okanta



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