CARE, GDIP, and GSMA Consortium selected to Accelerate Closure of the Gender Digital Divide

Date: 2023-11-13

CARE, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) and the GSMA Foundation have been selected as the consortium partners to manage the Women in Digital Economy Fund (WiDEF), a five year $60 million initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and that Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).

Launched by Vice President Kamala Harris in March 2023, WiDEF is a global pooled partnership aimed at closing the gender digital divide and has also received direct funding from Microsoft and the Government of Korea. USAID's contribution to WiDEF draws from its Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund and reflects its continued commitment to women's economic security and gender equality.

As the WiDEF managing consortium, CARE, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP), and the GSMA Foundation will identify, directly fund, and accelerate investment in proven solutions to close the gender digital divide – including women-led solutions, products, and tools – thereby improving women’s livelihoods, economic security, and resilience. 

The consortium partners bring to their implementation role deep experience in women’s empowerment and in digital rights and inclusion, a history of supporting innovation, and networks with key public and private sector stakeholders. Employing a strong localization approach, the consortium will lead WiDEF in creating opportunities for organizations and businesses at the forefront of equitable digital inclusion to receive financial, technical, and operational support to advance their work in one or more of the five focus areas of the fund: (i) access and affordability, (ii) products and tools, (iii) literacy and skills, (iv) safety and security, and (v) data and insights. The first application round will be announced in early 2024. 

Working together, CARE, GDIP, and the GSMA will collaborate with industry-leading organizations to effectively engage local and global private sector actors and funders to advance a shared set of commitments to closing the gender digital divide. Beyond direct delivery, they will ensure

that WiDEF facilitates partnerships with diverse stakeholders, shares insights through a community of practice and incorporates a substantial policy and advocacy component to inform and influence action at every level of the development system. 

Advancing access to digital technology for all women and girls is critical to ensuring everyone has access to economic opportunities and advancement, government services, education, healthcare, and the platforms and tools needed to participate in our increasingly digital world.

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