MTN Group appoints Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited to manage unclaimed dividends

Date: 2023-11-21

MTN Group Limited (MTN) has appointed Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Limited (Computershare) as the authorized service provider to manage the process of locating shareholders with unclaimed dividends.

The objective according to the Group, is to update and verify shareholder information to facilitate the disbursement of any outstanding dividends. 

Since the commencement of this initiative, a substantial number of shareholders have updated their records, leading to the successful distribution of over R17 million in dividends. In collaboration with Computershare, MTN continues to exercise due diligence in tracing shareholders to ensure the timely payment of unclaimed dividends. 

Computershare has been entrusted with the task of identifying these shareholders, obtaining the necessary documents to verify and update their information, and facilitating the payment of any outstanding dividends owed to them.

MTN reiterated its dedication to reaching its shareholders and ensuring they receive their dividends. “If you are a shareholder who has not yet claimed your dividends or know someone who owns MTN shares and has not received their dividends, we urge you to act.”


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