African leaders advocate for technological innovation to drive AfCFTA success

Date: 2024-01-19

African leaders, including Rwandan President Paul Kagame and President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana, have reiterated the crucial role of leveraging advanced technological tools and innovative solutions to propel the operations of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Speaking at a forum in Davos under the theme "Driving Action Under the African Continental Free Trade Area," these leaders stressed that embracing cutting-edge technologies is pivotal in overcoming challenges, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring the seamless implementation of the AfCFTA.

Moderated by World Economic Forum (WEF) President Børge Brende, the forum brought together influential leaders, including Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani of Tunisia, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen of Ethiopia, and AfCFTA Secretary-General Wamkele Mene.

The leaders, particularly President Kagame and President Akufo-Addo, called for a robust collaboration between the public and private sectors—a vision aligning with the broader goals of the AfCFTA. This collaborative approach is considered essential for overcoming barriers and fostering an environment conducive to the successful implementation of the AfCFTA.

The anticipated benefits of the AfCFTA are substantial, with the full implementation projected to increase real incomes across Africa by a remarkable 7%, translating to nearly $450 billion.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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