Oracle to boost Kenya’s tech landscape with New Cloud Data Center in Nairobi

Date: 2024-01-31

U.S. tech giant, Oracle Corporation has announced plans to establish its Cloud Data Centre in Nairobi. Oracle delegation led by Senior Vice-President Scott Twaddle made this known during an official meeting with President William Ruto of Kenya on Wednesday.

The establishment of Oracle's Cloud Data Centre is expected to create job opportunities, aligning with the government's digital transformation initiatives.

President Ruto expressed optimism about the positive effects the Oracle Cloud Data Centre will have on the country, stating, "The planned public cloud region in Nairobi underscores Oracle’s commitment to Africa and is aimed at driving the digital transformation of government, public institutions, businesses, and start-ups in Kenya.”

Highlighting the government's strategic initiatives, Ruto revealed the ongoing efforts to lay 100,000km of fibre optic cable, providing a robust digital infrastructure backbone. This commitment, coupled with plans to generate digital jobs and digitize government services, has attracted the interest of international IT companies.

Ruto proudly announced, "Kenya will continue to facilitate technology companies seeking to set up their footprints in Africa. Pleased to note that the American company Oracle plans to set up a global data centre in Nairobi”.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye


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