RISA concludes civic education program for Rwanda’s Digital Ambassadors

Date: 2024-02-19

The Rwanda Information Society Authority (RISA) has celebrated the completion of the civic education program by the last cohort of Digital Ambassadors. The event, held at the Nkumba Ubutore Development Center in Burera District, showcased the dedication of the participants and featured Rwanda's commitment to fostering a digitally inclusive society.

Led by the Minister of ICT & Innovation, Paula Ingabire, and joined by the Chief Executive Officer of RISA, Innocent Bagamba Muhizi, the ceremony celebrated the newly trained digital ambassadors.

The civic education program equips participants with essential digital skills, promoting a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and responsibilities associated with the evolving information society.

The Minister of ICT & Innovation, Paula Ingabire, who played a pivotal role in leading the program, emphasized the significance of digital literacy and its role in the country's development and reiterated the government's commitment to ensuring that every Rwandan is well-prepared to navigate the digital landscape.

In his remarks, the CEO of RISA, Innocent Bagamba Muhizi also noted that the completion of the civic education program not only marks a personal achievement for the Digital Ambassadors but also symbolizes a collective step towards a digitally empowered Rwanda.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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