IWD 2024: ITU calls for investing in women accelerating progress for a sustainable digital future

Date: 2024-03-08

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Doreen Bogdan-Martin has acknowledged the persistent challenges faced by women and girls, particularly in the tech sector.

Embracing this year's theme, "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress," the ITU is using this occasion to stress the crucial role it plays as the key United Nations digital agency.

It recognizes that the obstacles hindering women and girls from active participation in the technology ecosystem must be addressed comprehensively. The vision is clear: a future where women engage actively and equally in the digital world, equipped with affordable digital devices, access to data, online safety, and the necessary skills to navigate and lead confidently, she noted.

Bogdan-Martin's call to action is not limited to International Women's Day; instead, it resonates as a commitment to invest in this future every single day. The ITU urges a collective effort to accelerate progress, highlighting the pivotal role gender equality plays in shaping a sustainable digital future.

To achieve this vision, the ITU Secretary-General emphasizes the need for tangible investments that go beyond mere rhetoric. Affordability of digital devices and access to data are identified as essential components, ensuring that women are not excluded from the benefits of the digital age. Simultaneously, online safety measures must be strengthened to create an inclusive environment where women feel secure to explore, innovate, and contribute.

Crucially, investing in the necessary skills for women to navigate and lead in the digital world is highlighted as a fundamental step. This requires targeted efforts in education and professional development to bridge the existing gender gap in the tech industry. By doing so, women can actively participate in shaping the future of technology, bringing diverse perspectives and insights to the forefront.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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