Microsoft ADC launches ADC WINS mentorship program in Kenya

Date: 2024-03-11

The Managing Director of Microsoft ADC, Cathrine Muraga has launched a 12-month mentorship program – ADC WINS (Women Inspire and Nurturing Students) in Kenya as part of this year’s International Women’s Day.

Announcing the program on her LinkedIn platform, Cathrine Muraga expressed the company's commitment to investing time, resources, and expertise in building a stronger presence of women in STEM within local universities.

She revealed that the inspiration for ADC WINS stemmed from the feedback received during campus tours and the Student Ambassador meet-up in the previous year.

“It is a program where we are investing time, resources, and expertise to build women in STEM in the local universities by providing mentorship.”

“This was a key ask from our campus tours and the Student Ambassador meet-up last year - by the few ladies in these universities,” she added.

The ADC WINS program is designed to offer mentorship through two main avenues: the formation of communities of practice and personalized support to help women remain engaged and successful in STEM courses.

Mentors, who are accomplished women working at Microsoft, will be paired with students based on their respective areas of interest. This mentorship model aims to provide guidance, encouragement, and practical advice, creating a conducive environment for personal and professional growth.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye


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