M-PESA adjudged most loved brand by women in Kenya

Date: 2024-03-21

M-PESA, Africa's leading digital financial service platform,  has been awarded the most loved brand by women in Kenya by the BSD Group. This recognition,  according to the event organizers,  affirms M-PESA's efforts to bridge the digital gap by providing millions of women with access to financial services and tools, many of them for the first time.

According to a study conducted by economists from MIT and Georgetown University, M-PESA's biggest impact on individuals, particularly women, was that it provided them with personal control over their finances, including the freedom to receive money from anyone.

M-PESA has over 60 million customers, with half of them being women. Additionally, 45% of lending goes to women, which has empowered millions of customers to access formal financial services for the first time, especially women who previously faced numerous barriers, particularly when accessing services like credit.

For 17 years, M-PESA has maintained a strong focus on empowering women because they believe that when you empower a woman, you empower the entire society.

By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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