Monzer Ali assumes CEO role at MTN South Sudan promising growth and innovation

Date: 2024-04-02

MTN South Sudan has welcomed Monzer Ali as its new Chief Executive Officer, as he officially assumes office on April 1, 2024. With over 23 years of extensive experience in the telecommunications industry and a proven track record of leadership within the MTN Group, Ali's appointment promises a new era of growth and innovation for the company.

Ali's arrival in Juba was marked by a warm reception from MTN leadership and staff at the Juba International Airport. As part of his familiarization tour, he also paid a courtesy visit to the National Communication Authority, affirming MTN's commitment to regulatory compliance and partnership with local authorities.

Ali takes the helm from Mr. Gordian Kyomukama, the outgone CEO, who served in the role for over four years. Kyomukama's tenure saw notable achievements in expanding MTN's presence and services in South Sudan's telecommunications landscape.

In his new role, Ali is poised to build upon these accomplishments and drive MTN South Sudan towards greater heights with a focus on customer-centric strategies, digital innovation, and fostering partnerships.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye


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