G7 leaders endorse President Ruto's Africa development plan

Date: 2024-06-15

The G7 leaders have backed Kenyan President William Ruto's call for a more equitable and inclusive international financial architecture to drive Africa's development. During the recent G7 summit in Italy, President Ruto urged the leaders to champion reforms that would provide the Global South, particularly Africa, with access to concessional and long-term finance.

The G7 has committed to modernizing the international financial architecture to address contemporary global challenges. They have pledged to support initiatives like the G20 Compact with Africa and the Paris Pact for People and Planet (4P), which aim to enhance collaboration and increase financing for development, climate solutions, and private sector investment.

The leaders stressed the importance of domestic resource mobilization, as outlined in the Nairobi-Washington Initiative, and promised to work with stakeholders to provide coordinated support from multilateral development banks, facilitate favorable private finance, and encourage private sector involvement.

The G7 has also committed to increasing support for African nations striving for sustainable development, democratic governance, and global stability. They plan to align their efforts with the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the specific needs and priorities of African countries, including enhanced food security, infrastructure, trade, and agricultural productivity.

Furthermore, the G7 supports the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area, which they believe will be crucial for Africa's growth in the coming decade.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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