ICASA Councillor highlights importance of regulatory body's relationship with parliament

Date: 2024-07-05

The Councillor for the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA), Councillor Catherine Mushi joined a panel discussion at the 7th Parliament induction of members. The discussion focused on the role of Institutions Supporting Democracy (ISDs) and their relationship with Parliament.

Councillor Mushi provided a comprehensive overview of ICASA's mandate and role in regulating the country's communications sector. She noted the importance of ICASA's relationship with Parliament, indicating how the two institutions work together to ensure a stable and effective communications environment.

The panel discussion was followed by an interactive engagement session, where members of Parliament had the opportunity to ask questions and engage with Councillor Mushi on issues related to ICASA's regulatory functions. This session provided a valuable platform for Parliamentarians to gain a deeper understanding of ICASA's work and its impact on the country's communications landscape.

Councillor Mushi's  also stressed the importance of collaboration between ISDs like ICASA and Parliament, stating that by working together, these institutions can ensure that the country's communications sector remains vibrant, inclusive, and supportive of democratic values.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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