Google executive hails AI as a game-changer for Africa

Date: 2024-07-05

Regional Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Government Affairs, and Public Policy at Google, Charles Murito has hailed Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a "superpower" that can tackle some of the continent's most pressing challenges.

In a LinkedIn post celebrating his 10-year anniversary at Google, Murito expressed his excitement about the potential of AI to drive positive change in healthcare, agriculture, education, and beyond.

Mr. Murito, who has played a key role in shaping Google's policies and investments in Africa, highlighted the company's commitment to nurturing local talent, pushing the boundaries of AI research, and ensuring ethical and responsible use of AI. He stressed the need to harness AI's power to unlock Africa's potential for a brighter, more prosperous future.

Reflecting on his decade-long journey at Google, Murito recounted his experiences as Country Director for Google in Kenya and interim Country Director in South Africa. He highlighted milestones such as launching Street View in Kenya, which showcased the country's beauty to the world and boosted the tourism industry. He also mentioned the impact of Google's investments, such as the Majorel service center in Ghana, which has changed the lives of over 1,000 families.

As a leading player in the tech industry, Google is poised to play a significant role in shaping the continent's digital future. With AI at the forefront, Africa can leapfrog traditional development stages and achieve rapid progress in various sectors.

By:  Nana Appiah Acquaye

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