Anwar Soussa steps down as first CEO of Safaricom Ethiopia next month

Date: 2023-06-21

Safaricom Ethiopia’s Chief Executive Officer, Anwar Soussa will be leaving the business on 31st July 2023 once his secondment comes to an end, according to a statement released on Safaricom Plc's official social media Linkedin platform.

According to the statement, Anwar joined Safaricom Ethiopia in August 2021 to lead the establishment of the organization, set up business operations, and roll out a high-quality network.

“As the first CEO of Safaricom Ethiopia, Anwar has overseen the attainment of significant milestones in a highly dynamic environment, including onboarding the team and successfully launching commercial operations of the second telecommunications operator in Ethiopia,” the statement noted.

Touting some of his major achievements, Safaricom PLC mentioned that aside from steering Safaricom Ethiopia to acquire over 4 million customers, with the network now covering more than 25 percent of the population and speed across 50 cities and towns, Anwar also led Ethiopia’s second mobile network operator to secure a mobile financial service license, paving the way for the launch of M-PESA.


By: Nana Appiah Acquaye



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