Google Cloud Launches AI-Powered Anti Money Laundering Product for Financial Institutions

Date: 2023-06-22

Google Cloud has launched an artificial intelligence-powered Anti Money Laundering AI (AML AI) product designed to help global financial institutions more effectively and efficiently detect money laundering. 

In a statement announcing the new product, it acknowledged that money laundering is a complex problem with a growing global impact.

“The amount of money laundered each year is estimated to be 2-5% of global GDP, or up to $2 trillion annually. Money laundering proceeds are connected to illegal activities, ranging from drug and human trafficking to terrorist financing,” the statement said.

“Today, anti-money laundering programs consume significant resources for financial institutions, many of which operate across a variety of global and regional regulatory bodies. In fact, large financial institutions report monitoring four billion transactions or more a year for increasingly sophisticated illicit behavior,” it added. 

Most legacy AML monitoring products as indicated by Google Cloud are reliant on manually defined rules, which yield low rates of identifying suspicious activities. Even in the most advanced implementations of rules-based systems, money launderers can learn and work around these rules to avoid detection.

In fact, more than 95% of system-generated alerts turn out to be "false positives" in the first phase of review, with approximately 98% never culminating in a suspicious activity report (SAR). High rates of false positives require manual reviews, which costs the industry billions of dollars in wasted investigation time each year and distract institutions from true suspicious activity.

"Google is a pioneer in AI, and now we're making our tools, technologies, and expertise available to solve one of the biggest and most costly challenges in the financial services industry," said Thomas Kurian, CEO of Google Cloud. "Building on our commitment to bring AI-powered innovation to the financial services industry, we are launching Google Cloud's AML AI to help financial institutions more accurately and efficiently identify AML risk while enhancing business operations and governance."

AML AI can help customers reduce their operational costs while simultaneously improving the strength of their AML program. In the future, Google Cloud plans to provide Generative AI foundations for the financial services industry with the goal of boosting employee productivity, for example, to reduce the time needed for an analyst to investigate potential suspicious activity.


By: Nana Appiah Acquaye

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