Elon Musk Twitter fails to participate in arbitration with former Twitter workers

Date: 2023-07-03

In a recent lawsuit, it has been alleged that Twitter Inc., now known as X Corp., is refusing to participate in arbitration with former employees who were terminated during Elon Musk's takeover. The ex-employees claim that they were pushed to use arbitration to address issues related to unpaid wages, unfulfilled severance promises, and discrimination.

Multiple lawsuits have accused the company of various labor and workplace violations, including the failure to compensate thousands of workers laid off after Musk's acquisition. Approximately 2,000 former Twitter employees resorted to arbitration as demanded by the company, but Twitter has failed to participate, according to a complaint filed in San Francisco federal court.

Earlier this year, Twitter secured a ruling that required employees who had signed arbitration agreements to resolve their disputes through closed-door hearings overseen by private judges, rather than pursuing class-action lawsuits in open court.

This creates a challenging legal environment for employees, often leaving them at a disadvantage against better-resourced opponents. Studies have shown that many workers give up rather than pursue their claims in arbitration, providing a benefit to companies.

Shannon Liss-Riordan, a lawyer representing former Twitter employees in multiple lawsuits, has continued to file arbitrations on behalf of individual workers. However, Twitter is allegedly refusing to cover the fees for these arbitrations, as required by its employment agreements.

The complaint asserts that Twitter's refusal to honor its own written agreement and engage in arbitration is further harming its former employees.

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